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Insieme sul Faudo

  cyclosportive   e-bike, gravel bike, mountain bike

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Insieme sul Faudo





Sunday 23 Mar 2025 - San Lorenzo al Mare

The e-bike, gravel bike, mountain bike cycling event Insieme sul Faudo has been organized yearly since 2022 in Italy, regione Liguria. The next edition of the cyclosportive will take place on Sunday 23 March 2025 in San Lorenzo al Mare, Liguria as part of the circuit Csain Ciclismo Liguria 2025.

If you plan to participate in the next edition of Insieme sul Faudo , simply add the upcoming edition to « my Calendar » . If would you like to participate one day add the event to « my Bucket List » and we will inform you when the next edition is announced, by clicking on the buttons  

Organizer: The "Insieme Sul Faudo" is a non-competitive sporting event that takes place on a mandatory route, as identified in the Description referred to in the art. previous, Participants must consider themselves on an "individual excursion" and therefore in total self-sufficiency, without any technical support and without any type of assistance, not even health care from the Organization. The route is not manned. The checks set up for the validation of the "travel card", both the declared ones and the secret ones, have the sole function of verifying compliance with the route by the participants. In the event of withdrawal, the Participant has the obligation to immediately communicate the circumstance to the Organization, and will have to independently arrange for the return of himself and his vehicle. The self-managed meeting "Together on the Faudo" does not require any ranking to be drawn up in order of time of completion of the route, but only a list of participants

Participation is free. Free offer for cleaning the paths of Monte Faudo

Check the previous editions of Insieme sul Faudo below and add the ones you participated in to your successful rides in myBattistrada by simply clicking on .

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