L'Eroica has grown into a global movement, a network of Eroica and Nova Eroica events attracting tens of thousands of cyclists and fans of all ages around the world. Eroica and all Eroica Events invite cyclists to rediscover the beauty of fatigue and the thrill of conquest. We look to the past of cycling to inspire the future of this beautiful sport. The Eroica events are organized exclusively for historical road-racing bikes built in 1987 or earlier. The Nova Eroica events are celebrating the values of heroic cycling and the charm of the white roads even on modern bikes.
Simply add your selection instantly to your cycling calendar « my Calendar » if you plan to participate and synchronize it with your phone, ... or « my Bucket List » if you would like to participate one day and we will inform you whenever a next edition of those events is announced, date changes, … read more
Valencian Community