The mountain bike cycling event
Rando VTT du Nouvel An has been organized yearly since 2014 in Belgium, Wallonia. The last edition of Rando VTT du Nouvel An took place on Sunday 07 January 2024 and the
next edition of the ride will take place on Sunday 05 January 2025 in Nalinnes, Wallonia
If you plan to participate in the next edition of Rando VTT du Nouvel An , simply add the upcoming edition to «
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Organizer: Rando VTT du Nouvel An
Date : 5 janvier 2025
Lieu : Nalinnes (Haies)
Adresse : Salle le Foyer, rue des Haies, 6120 Nalinnes.
20 - 30 - 40 - 50km
Départ libre de 8h à 10h30.
Inscriptions sur place : Galopin de Chimay offert à l'arrivée !
20 - 30km : 7€
40-50km : 8€
Check the previous editions of Rando VTT du Nouvel An below and add the ones you participated in to your successful rides in myBattistrada by simply clicking on
previous editions