Il Romagnolo Audace 2025 is a cyclocross bike, e-bike, fat tire bike, gravel bike, mountain bike cycling event category ride in Italy, regione Emilia-Romagna and was organized for the first time in 2018. The edition Il Romagnolo Audace 2025 will take place on Sunday 11 May 2025 with departure in Sant'Agata sul Santerno, provincia Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna.
Il Romagnolo Audace is offering 3 routes (156, 115, 58 km) for cyclocross bike, e-bike, fat tire bike, gravel bike, mountain bike
The Romagnolo Audace winds its way through Emilia, Romagna and Tuscany on off-road routes meticulously designed to keep you out of cars and enjoy nature and company!
A true sporting journey that, from the silent plains and riverbanks of the countryside of Lower Romagna, will allow you to choose between routes that pass through the most evocative places in the valleys of the Santerno and Senio rivers, visiting hidden places where the curious traveller will see the Tuscan-Emilian Romagnolo territory from new perspectives.
Routes with breathtaking views, mixed between long dirt roads and non-traffic asphalted roads, interspersed with typical refreshments in the courtyards of suggestive agritourisms and kiosks that give the entire event a tasty eno-gastronomic note linked to the territory.
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