Het racefiets evenement
Istria300 wordt jaarlijks georganiseerd in Kroatië, provincie Istrië. De laatste editie van Istria300 vond plaats op zaterdag 28 september 2024 en de
volgende editie van de cyclo vindt plaats op zaterdag 27 september 2025 in Poreč/Parenzo, Istrië
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Organisator: Istria300. Ride your Limits is Epic road bike routes in some of Istria’s finest roads and most spectacular locations will ensure a cycling experience of a lifetime.
The weekend’s highlight is the Istria300 bike ride through whole Istria. Make your dream a reality and cycle up to 300 kilometres. The route will be closed for car traffic. All participants start and finish together in the beautiful town of Porec and decide on the course of their preferred riding distance. There will be two opportunities to switch to a 235 and 155 kilometer loop.
A four-day program will surround Istria300 from October 6th until 9th, 2022 in Porec. The Istria300 Expo, lectures, and a family program will make your stay in Porec unforgettable. Istria300. Ride your Limits.
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