Les Arbres Magiques 800km 2025 is een cyclocross fiets, gravel bike evenement categorie bikepacking, cyclo, toertocht, ultra in België, Vlaanderen en werd voor de eerste keer georganiseerd in 2025. De editie Les Arbres Magiques 800km 2025 vindt plaats op donderdag 29 mei 2025 met startplaats in Halle, provincie Vlaams-Brabant, Vlaanderen.
Les Arbres Magiques 800km is an ALLroad cycling event. The route has a maximum of 20% gravel, cobbles,...
Direction: Halle - Northern France - Halle
Elevation: maximum 6000m
There is 1 feeding station along the way. More info on the event-website.
Les Arbres Magiques, also know as LAM, is a series of long distance events in the first 6 months of 2025. Building up from 100km in January to the grand final, 800km, at the end of May. You can ride on your own or in group. Routes are built for you, through different landscapes with 'Arbres Magiques'. ALL-road means mix of road (min. 80%) and offroad (gravel, sand, cobbles max. 20%).