La manifestazione bici da strada
The Bon Ton Roulet viene organizzata annualmente negli Stati Uniti d'America, state New York. L' ultima edizione The Bon Ton Roulet si è volta il sabato 20 luglio 2024 e l’
edizione successiva dell’evento cicloturistica, gara a tappe si svolgerà il sabato 19 luglio 2025 a Cortland, New York
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Organizzatore: The Bon Ton Roulet is a different kind of bicycle tour, designed for relaxation, and just plain FUN! Part of the Bon Ton Roulet’s wide appeal is that it’s actually two tours in one! Since 2005 we’ve offered two fully supported routes; a Long Route and a Regular Route. Both routes take cyclists through quaint villages and past picturesque scenic beauty, and both offer Bon Ton Rest Stops along the way. Since there’s no need to sign up for the regular or long route option, riders choose which option they prefer.
The Long Route appeals to those riders who love the challenge of a 65-75 mile ride per day at a pace that’s typically quicker then most. The Regular Route, typically 45-50 miles per day, tends to attract newer riders and those who plan on spending the day leisurely browsing the markets and attractions along the way. Many riders even switch back and forth between the Long and Regular Route during the week, making the Bon Ton the perfect tour!
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