Triple Peak Gran Fondo 2023 era evento gravel bike, bici da strada categoria granfondo negli Stati Uniti d'America, state Virginia limitata a 250 partecipanti. L' edizione Triple Peak Gran Fondo 2023 si è volta il sabato 03 giugno 2023 con partenza a Winchester, County Frederick, Virginia.
Triple Peak Gran Fondo propone 5 percorsi (171, 158, 114, 92, 40 km) per gravel bike, bici da strada
The Triple Peak route has it all: plenty of miles, beautiful pastoral vistas, and stiff mountain climbs (with accompanying sweet descents!) One of the peaks is even a gravel climb! But don’t worry, if you don’t like gravel, you can still get a century in on the Triple Peak Alt route: still three giant climbs, but no gravel. The Double Peak and Single Peak routes provide shorter challenges, but adventure nonetheless! Over mostly rural roads, you’ll get to see the beauty of northwest Virginia, as well as a fair bit of West Virginia. And we don’t want to leave out the Fun route, a shorter ride without a major mountain peak, but still great riding and views, perfect for a family outing.
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