The Gralloch Gravel Race 2024 era evento gravel bike categoria gara nel Regno Unito, Scozia ed è stato organizzato per la prima volta in 2023. L' edizione The Gralloch Gravel Race 2024 fa parte del circuito UCI Gravel World Series e si è volta il sabato 18 maggio 2024 con partenza a Gatehouse of Fleet, Council Area Dumfries and Galloway, Scozia.
The Gralloch is a race, a one-day gravel classic and the first UCI Gravel World Series event ever hosted in Britain.
Almost entirely off road, riders will tackle around 110km across the hills of the Galloway Forest Park on some of the best gravel in the UK.
A qualification event for the UCI Gravel World Championships in Italy next autumn, riders will race in their Masters Age groups.
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