Race Across America 2022 era evento bici da strada categoria ultra negli Stati Uniti d'America, state California ed è stato organizzato per la prima volta in 1982. L' edizione Race Across America 2022 si è volta il martedì 14 giugno 2022 con partenza a Oceanside, County San Diego, California.
Race Across America propone 1 percorsi (4810 km) per bici da strada
The Race Across America (RAAM) is one of the most respected and longest running ultra-endurance events in the world and has been challenging ultra cyclists from around the globe to push their physical and mental limits to the farthest reaches.
The route travels west to east, traversing three major mountain ranges (Sierra, Rocky and Appalachian), crosses four of America’s longest rivers (Colorado, Mississippi, Missouri and Ohio) and the Great Plains. Also, passing through such iconic American landmarks as the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts, Monument Valley, Great Plains, and Gettysburg.
RAAM is open to amateur and professional racers, in solo, 2-, 4- and 8-person relay teams.
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