Marcha Ciclodeportiva BTT Judia Sierras Hurdanas 2025 è un evento bici da montagna categoria cicloturistica, raduno, ultra, XCM marathon in Spagna, comunità autonome Estremadura ed è stato organizzato per la prima volta in 2014. L' edizione Marcha Ciclodeportiva BTT Judia Sierras Hurdanas 2025 si svolgerà il domenica 09 marzo 2025 con partenza a Casar de Palomero, provincia Cáceres, Estremadura.
Marcha Ciclodeportiva BTT Judia Sierras Hurdanas propone 3 percorsi (104, 70, 50 km) per bici da montagna
The Marcha Ciclodeportiva BTT Judía Sierras Hurdanas is an epic MTB challenge that combines the passion of the sport, the beauty of the landscapes and the cycling spirit, you will have an unforgettable experience that will take you through some of the most beautiful places in Extremadura.
Explore our trails, push your limits and enjoy a day of MTB. BTT Judía Sierras Hurdanas, is designed with routes for all levels, offering three possible routes.
No matter if you are an experienced cyclist or if you are taking your first steps in cycling, BTT Judía Sierras Hurdanas is the opportunity to challenge your limits, share unforgettable moments and be part of our community.
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