Art of Survival Century Bike Ride and Gravel Grinder è un evento gravel bike, bici da montagna, bici da strada categoria cicloturistica, raduno negli Stati Uniti d'America, state Oregon ed è stato organizzato per la prima volta in 2014. L' edizione Art of Survival Century Bike Ride and Gravel Grinder 2025 si svolgerà il sabato 24 maggio 2025 con partenza a Malin, County Klamath, Oregon.
Art of Survival Century Bike Ride and Gravel Grinder propone 7 percorsi (161, 119, 100, 87, 61, 35, 23 km) per gravel bike, bici da montagna, bici da strada
The Annual Art of Survival Century Bicycle Ride isn’t just about pedaling a road or mountain bike through beautiful stretches of county side. It’s also an opportunity to learn about a region that includes Southern Oregon’s Klamath Basin and Northern California’s Tulelake Basin and Butte Valley area.
Day 1: Century, Metric Century, 2 mountain bike route and a 14 mile family friendly route.
Day 2: Gravel Grinder Mix
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