Amy's Great Ocean Road Gran Fondo 2024 era evento bici da strada categoria granfondo in Australia, state Victoria ed è stato organizzato per la prima volta in 2011. L' edizione Amy's Great Ocean Road Gran Fondo 2024 fa parte del circuito UCI Gran Fondo World Series e si è volta il domenica 15 settembre 2024 con partenza a Lorne, Victoria.
Amy's Great Ocean Road Gran Fondo propone 3 percorsi (130, 45, 14 km) per bici da strada
Amy’s Great Ocean Road Gran Fondo is one of the few events on the Australian cycling calendar that provides the safe and unique experience of riding on a fully closed road. Coupled with a compulsory online safety briefing for all riders, Amy’s Great Ocean Road Gran Fondo aims to be the safest event in Australia.
The distance, terrain and sensational scenery of the Surf Coast and Colac Otway regions makes for a challenging ride and the ideal location for a Gran Fondo.
As a result, some participants ride for the satisfaction of finishing the course, some participants ride to beat their previous times, and or their friends, whilst some ride to be the first across the finish line. The event caters for all these aims.
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