48th Annual Gulf Coast CycleFest 2023 era evento bici da strada categoria raduno negli Stati Uniti d'America, state Florida limitata a 850 partecipanti ed è stato organizzato per la prima volta in 1974. L' edizione 48th Annual Gulf Coast CycleFest 2023 si è volta il domenica 05 novembre 2023 con partenza a Lakewood Ranch, County Manatee, Florida.
Sarasota Manatee Bicycle Club's premiere event, one of the longest-running recreational bicycle rides in Florida, will be held on Sunday, Nov. 5 in Lakewood Ranch. CycleFest features scenic route options of 16, 36, 62, and 100 miles. Breakfast, lunch, rest stops, SAG support, well-marked routes, and a finish line party are included at no extra cost. $60 through Sept. 30, $70 Oct. 1 - Nov. 5. The event helps fund the club's charitable giving and bike safety programs. For more information or to register, visit SMBC.US.
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