Fatevi notare dai nostri +1 milione visitatori unici

Dal lancio del nostro calendario mondiale di eventi ciclistici nel marzo dello scorso anno, Battistrada.com sta crescendo rapidamente raggiungendo già +1 milione * visitatori unici (ciclisti attivi) alla ricerca di eventi e viaggi in bicicletta in tutto il pianeta.
* +60.000 per data di pubblicazione dell'articolo

Qualunque sia il vostro pubblico di riferimento, Battistrada.com è visitato da ciclisti attivi di qualsiasi parte del mondo (come potrete vedere nel video).

E siccome le vostre vacanze in bicicletta vengono anche pubblicate direttamente nel nostro calendario di eventi ciclistici, saranno sicuramente viste.

In questo video vi spiegheremo i vantaggi di pubblicare le vostre vacanze in bicicletta su Battistrada.com, dove e come appariranno le vostre vacanze in bicicletta su Battistrada.com.

Trascrizione del video (traduzione)

Publishing your cycling holidays on Battistrada is the right place to do because we are reaching monthly more than 60,000 active cyclists searching for cycling trips all over the planet.

The main goal of listing your Holiday on Battistrada.com is generating traffic, means clicks, to your own website. Clicks which are measurable so that you can track all traffic from Battistrada.com in your Google (or other) Analytics tool by searching for traffic from campaign and source equal to « battistrada »

Let’s begin with “where and how are your Holidays shown on Battistrada”

Your Holidays are shown in the Holiday section, as well as In the Calendar section. The latter is a big advantage for your published Holidays because the Calendar section is (for now) being visited mostly as Battistrada.com was launched in March 2022 as a cycling events calendar.

Appearance 1
Let’s start with how your Holidays are shown in the Holidays section

When you click on « Holidays » in the main menu, you will see all published Holidays available as from today, starting with the Holidays with a date to be agreed, those are shown with a handshake icon, and followed by the Holidays with prescheduled dates, and those, ordered by date. 

Visitors can search Holidays by Country, Bike Type or Date resulting in the corresponding Holidays. 

Let’s now move on to the Calendar section and show you where and how your Cycling Holidays are shown

Appearance 2
When you click on « Calendar » in the main menu, you will immediately see 1 or more Holidays on the right side. These appearances will depend on the calendar search performed by the visitor, giving priority to Holidays in the selected Country or Region. If more Holidays are matching the criteria than the number of shown holidays, then Holidays published as Premium Listings will have priority. 

For example, if visitors search in « Catalonia » in Spain, we will see 2 Holidays next to the Calendar results, if we search for « Andalusia » also in Spain, we will see 1 Holiday. And if we search in « Spain » we will give priority to those Holidays published as Premium Listings.

But if no Holidays are matching the search criteria then 1 random Holiday will be shown. For instance if we search in « Belgium », we see Holidays appearing from other countries when there are no Holidays in Belgium published. This has the advantage that holidays can be shown to cyclists while they are for example currently looking for an event or ride near their home town and might be triggered by the shown Holiday.

Appearance 3
If visitors search the Calendar then the Holidays corresponding the search criteria will also appear in the search results, meaning in between the listed Events. For example, if visitors search for Events in the Italian region « Marche » then the Holiday « MTB Profumo delle Marche » is listed several times in the results because it is published with multiple prescheduled dates, and this with an image on the first appearance when it’s a Premium Listing. And if they search for instance for Events in « Italy », as from April 1st, the Holiday « MTB Profumo delle Marche » is also listed as a Premium listing in the results. 

Appearance 4
Additionally 1 random Premium Listing of an Event or Holiday will be published at the bottom of the calendar search results.

If you consider that the Calendar results pages are shown +200,000 times on a monthly basis, the above described 3 types of appearances in the  « Calendar » will definitely put your Holiday in the picture.

And this is not all of it! 

Appearance 5
Your Cycling Holidays will also appear on the individual Event and Editions pages of every Event!

If we search for example a granfondo in Italy and click on the « Gran Fondo Strade Bianche » the Edition page will open and you will see 1 or more Holidays on the right side. These appearances will depend on the Event you are visiting, giving priority to Holidays in the same Country or Region and Premium Listings. And also here 1 or more random Holidays will be shown when no Holidays are matching those criteria.

« Associated Event » option
What makes it really interesting for Agencies who are organizing packaged trips including an Event is the « Associated Event » option. When you select this option your Holiday organized around the « Gran Fondo Strade Bianche » will have priority showing prior to other Holidays in the same Country or Region.

As you can see your Cycling Holidays will have the exposure it deserves.

Clicks to your website
Whenever visitors select your Holiday, the detail page of your Holiday will open and show more images, description, a video, the available dates, et cetera … and most important a button with a hyperlink to your website.  

Really interesting indeed, because 1 simple click to your website gives you the power and control to not only show more information about the selected Holiday, but also present similar Holidays and other offers you might want to highlight. 

And we repeat: Clicks that are measurable in your Web Analytics tool by searching for traffic with campaign and source equal to « battistrada »

Thanks for watching and remember, keep on managing your cycling calendar and bucket list with Battistrada.com

MTB Profumo delle Marche
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