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VIA Germanicus Ultracycling Race

  bikepacking, ultra   bicicleta de carretera

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VIA Germanicus Ultracycling Race





sábado 26 jul 2025 - Giovinazzo

La prueba bicicleta de carretera VIA Germanicus Ultracycling Race se organiza anualmente desde 2024 en Italia, región Apulia. La última edición VIA Germanicus Ultracycling Race se disputaba el sábado 20 julio 2024 y la próxima edición de la prueba bikepacking, ultra se disputará el sábado 26 julio 2025 en Giovinazzo, Apulia

Si tiene previsto participar en la próxima edición de la prueba VIA Germanicus Ultracycling Race , sólo tiene que añadir la próxima edición a « mi Calendario » . ¿Quieres participar algún día, añade el evento a « mi Bucket List » y Battistrada te informará cuando se anuncie una futura edición, utilizando los botones  

Organizador: Riding our VIA together, you will experience: an ADVENTURE of a lifetime with the best COMPETITION in our inclusive COMMUNITY of passionate ultracyclists.

We want our grassroots sport to grow by providing the best experience in ultra racing for riders and spectators. So we created VIA, a 4.000 km unsupported race across Europe organised by ultracyclists, for ultracyclists.

The first chapter of VIA followed in the great footsteps of Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, who led his army with 38 elephants from Southern Iberia, across mountain ranges to reach Southern Italy, where the first chapter in our VIA story ended. However, where Chapter I ended, Chapter II begins.

2025 will see the second chapter starting in Southern Italy, following Germanicus, one of the last of the Caesars, on his great journey to pacify Germania, finishing in what is today the Netherlands. That destination will be the beginning of the third and final chapter, in 2026, for the conclusion of our three chapter story. VIA will crown the most consistent rider in each category, and crown the greatest ultracyclists of our generation.

The VIA team's mission: Telling the story of epic journeys

Applications are closed. Get in touch if you came here late!

Consulte las ediciones anteriores del evento VIA Germanicus Ultracycling Race a continuación y añada las que haya participado a sus recorridos exitosos en myBattistrada simplemente haciendo clic en .

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