La prueba gravel bike, bicicleta de montaña, bicicleta de carretera
Transcimbrica se organiza anualmente en Alemania, estado Hamburgo. La
próxima edición de la prueba bikepacking, ultra se disputará el viernes 14 marzo 2025 en Hamburg, Hamburgo
Si tiene previsto participar en la próxima edición de la prueba Transcimbrica , sólo tiene que añadir la próxima edición a «
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Organizador: Transcimbrica is a long-distance ride from Hamburg to the northern end (aka Skagen) of the Crimean peninsula and back.
Originally planned as a road bike tour, it quickly became apparent during the first edition that some of the side roads in Denmark are not asphalted but gravelled and that tourist cycling and hiking routes can make some demands on riding skills, depending on the weather.
This is not an event, not a commercial event and certainly not a race!
For this non-event, there is a suggested route, an idea for a date and hopefully lots of good-humoured cyclists who want to take on the challenge with their riders. Each bike decides for itself when it rides, which route and whether individually or in a group.
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