La prueba bicicleta de carretera
The Chocolate Tour se organiza anualmente en Estados Unidos, state Pennsylvania. La última edición The Chocolate Tour se disputaba el sábado 03 agosto 2024 y la
próxima edición de la prueba ciclodeportiva, paseo se disputará el sábado 02 agosto 2025 en Manheim, Pennsylvania
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Organizador: The Chocolate Tour is a bike, run or walk event to support cancer research; so there is something for the entire family! It is being held at a central location between the four chocolate towns in central PA. The central host town is Manheim (about 30-minutes from Hershey). It is a very friendly and happy place, which is ideally located among the Amish farms, covered-bridges, forests, rivers, lakes and other features making this such a beautiful area in which to bicycle, run or walk.
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