La prueba gravel bike
Nordic Gravel Series Kimito Island se organiza anualmente desde 2021 en Finlandia, regione Finlandia del Sudoeste. La última edición Nordic Gravel Series Kimito Island se disputaba el sábado 03 junio 2023 y la
próxima edición de la prueba ciclodeportiva aún no ha sido anunciada.
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Organizador: The Finnish archipelago is a gravel paradise. In collaboration with adventure cyclist Toni Lund, we welcome you to the beautiful roads of Kimito Island. The event starts and finishs at the unique Söderlångvik Manor in Dragsfjärd. The 120 and 160 km route goes around the southern part of Kimito Island and passes historical landmarks, like Dalsbruk and Västanfjärd, Kimito and Dragsfjärd churches.
The terrain is hilly and undulating, a paradise of small gravel roads passing through wilderness-like forests. In the end you get rewarded with stunning seaside vistas from Ölmos to Purunpää. Route distances of 40, 80, 120 and 160km. The event is limited to 500 participants. This event welcomes riders from all levels and fitness and is not a timed race. 3 timed segments on the 120-160km route.
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