The RACE across Europe 2025 es un evento bicicleta de carretera categoría ultra en Francia, región Alta Francia y se organizó por primera vez en 2013. La edición The RACE across Europe 2025 se disputará el sábado 07 junio 2025 con salida en Boulogne-sur-Mer, département Pas-de-Calais, Alta Francia.
The RACE across Europe ofrece 1 recorridos (4721 km) para bicicleta de carretera
The RACE (Race across Europe) is a once-in-a-lifetime cycling event featuring the very best of riding in Europe for supported and semi-supported teams and unsupported solos and pairs. This event requires exceptional teamwork, stamina, energy, strategy and humour to succeed. Don’t let ‘race’ put you off though. If you cycle in a supported team this challenge is achievable by most people. Those who finish can proudly say that they competed in, and completed, what we think is one of the hardest cycling events on earth ...
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