The Hunt 1000 Bikepacking 2022 fue evento gravel bike, bicicleta de montaña categoría bikepacking en Australia, state Victoria y se organizó por primera vez en 2016. La edición The Hunt 1000 Bikepacking 2022 se disputaba el jueves 24 noviembre 2022 con salida en Melbourne, Victoria.
The Hunt 1000 Bikepacking ofrece 1 recorridos (1000 km) para gravel bike, bicicleta de montaña
The Hunt 1000 Bikepacking is a bikepacking route that links Melbourne to Canberra, and traverses some of Australia’s most beautiful high country. The route incorporates amazing campsites and historic alpine huts, provides a limited number of resupply points, and mixes in challenging hike-a-bike sections, as well as river/creek crossings.
Riders will be pedalling from Melbourne to Canberra and aiming for a grand finish, rather than a grand depart, on Sat the 3rd Dec 2022 in Canberra. Your departure date is to be selected by you. The average is 10 days. This is not a race, the aim is to get to Canberra so be sure to give yourself enough time.
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