The Appalachian Mountaineer 2024 fue evento gravel bike, bicicleta de montaña categoría paseo en Estados Unidos, state Virginia limitado a 400 participantes. La edición The Appalachian Mountaineer 2024 se disputaba el sábado 02 noviembre 2024 con salida en New Castle, County Craig, Virginia.
The Appalachian Mountaineer ofrece 4 recorridos (137, 105, 64, 35 km) para gravel bike, bicicleta de montaña
The Appalachian Mountaineer is a wilderness adventure at Eagle Landing - New Castle, VA
The Appalachian Mountaineer is a cousin the Journey, in that it is also in Virginia, run on gravel, and built with the same stoke and fire you expect in Floyd in the spring. But that’s where the similarities end.
In Floyd you roll along through the soul of Appalachia farm land, with punchy climbs and amazing descents. In Craig… let’s just say things get a little bigger, a little bolder, and we can’t wait to share it with you.
Opposing the “Dragons Back” our current Mountaineer courses traverse the beautiful exposure of Bald Knob before dropping back down to the valley and crossing the river by foot bridge and then fast rolling home.
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