GPS100 Race 2024 fue evento gravel bike categoría ciclodeportiva, carrera en Estados Unidos, state Ohio. La edición GPS100 Race 2024 forma parte del circuito Ohio Gravel Race Series y se disputaba el sábado 19 octubre 2024 con salida en Chillicothe, County Ross, Ohio.
GPS100 Race ofrece 1 recorridos (101 km) para gravel bike
Born in gravel and dirt, connected by pavement. Starting and finishing in historic downtown Chillicothe, the GPS100 a multi-surface 64-mile adventure race on gravel, pavement and singletrack in and around Great Seal State Park and Scioto Trail State Park and Forest.
The GPS100 event developed out of love for Great Seal State Park & Scioto Trail State Park/Forest.
The GPS100 event developed out of our love for Great Seal State Park, Scioto Trail State Park and Forest. These Parks have some of the best singeltrack and gravel roads in Ohio. Add in the pavement connecting the two and we created a multi-surface challenge unique to southern Ohio. This event showcases the world class cycling opportunities that surround Chillicothe. Proceeds from the GPS100 go directly to help youth development cycling and build and maintain trails at both State Parks.
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