How does it work?

Would you like to share the calendar of your cycling club with the club members in an easy way?
Would you like to integrate the club calendar into the website of your cycling club? 

Both are a piece of cake with the tools offered 

Managing the club calendar of any cycling club, or even just a group of friends who are riding out on a regular basis, fits perfect in our already extensive cycling events calendar. Just add the weekly rides of your cycling club as private « Club Members Only » events on and they will only be available for the club members. 

Only the club members will see those « Club Members Only » events in the public calendar, they can add them to their « my Calendar » or « my Bucket List » and synchronize them straight into the calendar app on their smartphone or computer, as explained in “our unique features for active cyclists”.

And as Battistrada supports synchronizing your Clubs Calendar with Google Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Apple Calendar, … a lot of extra features become available like integration into your website, …

In this video we explain how you set-up your club calendar and in the next video how to integrate this calendar into your website

Video Transcript

Start with the creation of a new account on for your Cycling Club rather than using your personal Battistrada-account. You probably don’t want to mix up your personal cycling calendar with the club calendar.

Let’s assume you have already created this account.

Click on « my Battistrada » in the main menu to sign in.

Add your Cycling Club
Go to « my Battistrada » - « my Club Events » and type the name of your Club in the textbox “add your Cycling Club”. As you type the list of existing clubs on the Battistrada-platform appears. If your Club is already created, all you need to do is select it and click on the “Save”-button and the club will be added to your list of « my Clubs ». In our case the “Battistrada Cycling Club” was already created.

If we can’t find a matching result, click the button “add new Cycling Club” and the form to create your club will open. Complete the required fields and click the “Save”-button to create your club. The club you created will be added immediately to the list of « my Clubs », which also means you are now a member of this club.

As mentioned below the textbox “Would you like to publish your clubs calendar on Battistrada and share it with the club members? Please let us know” you need to click on “Please let us know”, complete the form and click the “Send” -button. We will be notified of your request and we let you know when it’s approved.

Once your request has been approved, you are appointed as the “Club Manager” and you can start adding the club rides on Battistrada through « my Battistrada » - « my Own Events ». 

Add Club Events or Rides
Click the button “add new event” to add a new ride and the page “add new event” will appear. 

Next to every field you’ll find a question mark “?” with more information about how to complete the field.

In this video we will quickly add a new ride and only explain the important things for a smooth use. We start with the required “Event Name”, which must be unique for each ride (and this all over the whole Battistrada-platform). We have chosen to call our club rides “BCC Sunday Ride …”  and while typing your name Battistrada will inform you about the uniqueness.

Further we select the Category “ride”, add the “next Edition” date, start time, et cetera and click on the “Next”-button.

« Club Members Only » events or rides
On the next page you have to complete the Club Name in the field “Organizing Club” so that the Club Members can easily find this “ride” in « my Battistrada » - « my Club Events » and select « Club Members Only » if it’s not a public event or ride. Be aware that this is really important to avoid appearance in the event calendar as a public event.

add Routes
Click “add Route” to specify distances, elevation, et cetera. By adding the hyperlink to the route (f.e. on RouteYou, …) the club members can easily find the route, download the .gpx files and upload them to their GPS device.

Publish your Ride 
When you are ready you can click the “Next”-button. On the following page you’ll choose the "Basic" (free) formula for you “event/ride” and you click the “Publish my Event” -button at the bottom.

Your “ride” is now added and is immediately available for your Club Members, and you will return to the « my Own Events » page where you will find the already added rides. « Club Members Only » rides will have the red “secret” icon which indicates they are only visible for the club members.

Repeat this procedure for the following ride until the complete club calendar is added.

Updating an event or ride
For updating “events" or "rides”, click on the button next to the “event" or "ride”.

Next Season
At the end of the season you an easily copy the “events" or "rides” from the past season by clicking on the button. Note that this button will only be available for past rides.

Find your Club Rides in Public Calendar
When your club members browse the public calendar (only) they will see the « Club Members Only » rides with the the red “secret” icon. When they are signed out, those « Club Members Only » rides will not be visible.

Start using Battistrada (it's free).

In a next video we will explain how to integrate your club calendar into your website.

Example (click on "Look for more" to see more upcoming events or rides)


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